The iconic elliptipar® asymmetric luminaire, invented in 1965 by lighting pioneer Sy Shemitz, is based on the need to produce an even wash of light across an architectural plane – creating a luminous surface from a minimal setback. Asymmetric lighting illuminates surfaces from more accessible vantage points by positioning the luminaires at the edge of the plane, removing obstructions and focusing attention on the surface rather than the luminaire. By expertly distributing light where it is truly needed, elliptipar has ideal solutions for a multitude of applications.
Why Light the Wall?
Wall washing enhances the perception of space, providing indirect illumination for visual comfort, attract attention and direct movement. Illuminating a light-colored, matte, reflective wall transforms the light from a point source into an area source, redirecting light into the adjacent space. When lighting a wall and providing brightness to the surround, visual comfort is improved by reducing the contrast between vertical and task surfaces. Artwork, signage, library stacks, displays and merchandise are enlivened, as well as the materials, colors and textures within the space.
Why Light the Ceiling?
Uplighting provides indirect illumination for visual comfort, freeing the plane from clutter and enhances architectural details. Indirectly lighting the ceiling converts a point source into an area source delivering comfortable, diffuse illumination for the entire space. When the ceiling is lit, glare and ceiling reflections are virtually eliminated. The soft and shadow-free light reflected from a luminous ceiling enhances productivity in task-oriented spaces. Additionally, elliptipar’s asymmetric uplighting accentuates architectural detail and the grandeur of classical and modern spaces.
Why Asymmetric Lighting Outdoors?
Outdoor lighting enhances the exterior environment, attracting attention and directing movement while promoting safety and security. Close setbacks, wide spacing, tight beam control and compact size make elliptipar asymmetric luminaires ideal for the unobtrusive highlighting of architectural details. Selectively lighting pathways and walls adjacent to entries can draw people to their destination while uplighting awnings and canopies define building entries. In addition, outdoor asymmetric lighting provides controlled coverage with minimal spill light for parking areas and walkways, alleviating safety and security concerns.